Fall 1996
I have enjoyed my experience as a staff photographer for Oral Roberts University’s The Oracle. This semester provided an opportunity for me to gain experience in diverse photojournalism techniques and situations from close-up shots at dinner to impersonal parking lots. My time spent as a staff photographer has been well spent. When I joined the staff, my purpose was to gain a reason to be continually involved in photography and learn any new photojournalism techniques that would present themselves over the semester.
Toward the end of this semester, I was asked to go to The Oracle offices on Monday mornings and read over the headlines. This may be a small job, but I am now able to take a part in making The Oracle just a little better. Besides, I am gaining experience that will assist me later if I turn in a job application to my hometown newspaper over the summer. I had previously written and taken pictures freelance for The Fort Scott Tribune, but now I have a semester of experience which I can put in my resume`. Continue reading